AIR MUSEUM Amberg - Art Architecture Design Technology

Situated at Amberg’s most idyllic square, the historic “Klösterl” (“little convent”) – a building which dates back to the 14th century and is aptly titled “Engelsburg” (“angel’s castle”) – offers a unique showroom space on three levels (650 square meters) all dedicated to the subject of air …

Apart from permanent exhibitions you can also enjoy talks, readings, guided tours and concerts. On the ground floor there are temporary exhibitions on design, architecture, technology as well as special and everyday art.

The AIR MUSEUM was founded as a private initiative at the beginning of 2006 and is financed by donations and air helpers.


  • Museumspreis der Mittelbayerischen Zeitung Regensburg, 2009
  • DM-Markt Preis Deutschland 2009 "Sei ein Futurist" für das museumspädagogische Konzept der Luftlehrerinnen im "Fliegenden Klassenzimmer"
  • Förderpreis der Internationalen Bodenseekonferenz für innovative Kulturvermittlung, St. Gallen 2011
  • SIEMENS Förderpreis der Metropolregion Nürnberg 2013
  • Schönstes Museum der Oberpfalz, gewählt von im Juni 2021

Luftmuseum e.V. - Sparkasse Amberg - IBAN DE12 7525 0000 0200 6658 26
